A COLLECTION OF THE ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, NOW IN FORCE, RELATING TO THE LINEN MANUFACTURE, WITH ΑΝ ABSTRACT thereof under proper Heads. AND AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX of fuch Words as feem Published by Order of the Commiffioners and Trustees ap- EDINBURGH: PRINTED IN THE YEAR 1783. LAUSES of the Act for II. Clauses of "An Act for laying ad 66 ditional Duties on Sope," &c. 12 Ann. III. Claufes of "An Act for redeeming IV. An A& for better Regulation of tures in that Part of Great Bri- 66 V. Claufes of "An A&t for further en- VL. Clauses of " An A&t for granting to 3 Geo. 4 13 Geo. 12 4 15 & 16 Geo. II. VII. An Act for the more effectual pre- VIII. An Act for allowing certain addi- 49 tion of British and Irish Linens, 18 Geo. II. a 2 IX. An |