THE DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION; BEING THE LETTERS OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, SILAS DEANE, JOHN TOGETHER WITH THE LETTERS IN REPLY FROM THE SECRET COMMITTEE OF ALSO, THE ENTIRE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FRENCH MINISTERS, Published under the Direction of the President of the United States, from EDITED BY JARED SPARKS. VOL. X. BOSTON: NATHAN HALE AND GRAY & BOWEN; e. & c. & H. CARVILL, NEW YORK; P. THOMPSON, WASHINGTON. 1830. CONTENTS TENTH VOLUME. GENERAL LAFAYETTE'S CORRESPONDENCE. Resolve of Congress respecting General Lafayette. In Congress, November 23d, 1781, Expressing their sense of his services, and directing the foreign Ministers and other officers of the United States to consult with him. To Robert R. Livingston. Antony, near Paris, Composition, character, and policy of the Shelburne Ministry.-Defeat of Count de Grasse.-Siege of Page. The Count de Ségur.-Character of the British Robert R. Livingston to M. de Lafayette. Phila- |