T HE year 1787 has not only been productive of very important events, but of fome in which the interefts of this nation were deeply concerned. The hap py revolution which has taken place in Holland, the reftoration of the Stadtholder to his rights, and the recovery of that republic to its ancient fyftem of policy, by detaching it from the new connections it had formed with France, were matters in which Great Britain had not a greater share than an immediate political intereft, as well as a neighbourly and friendly concern; while the vigour and wifdom of her conduct in thefe tranfactions have effectually reftored her to that high eminence among the nations of Europe from which fhe had fuffered no fmall derogation through the lofs of her colonies, and other ill confequences of the American war. But thefe objects, important as they are, cannot in any degree rank, with refpect to magnitude and general confideration, with thofe new profpects which have been opening upon us through the courfe of the prefent year. A fingular revolution feems to be taking place in the minds of men; and the fpirit of liberty appears to be 'reviving with great energy, in countries where it had long been deemed nearly extinct. It has already produced fuch effects in France, and indicates others fo much greater, as to render that country (through caufes very different from thofe which drew the attention of mankind upon it during the laft two centuries) the grand theatre of political fpeculation. A fimilar fpirit is dawning in other places; while our Belgic neighbours have afforded a notable inftance that it never was totally extinct in them, by the ftruggle which they have manfully fuftained againft exuberant power, in the fupport of their ancient conftitution, and the prefervation of their civil and political rights. These three principal objects, the affairs of Holland, of France, and of the Low Countries, have engroffed our utmoft attention in treating the hiftory of the prefent year: we have entered into the refpective fubjects with care and diligence, and truft the Public'will not find themfelves difappointed in the narrative of these affairs which we lay before them. The momentous war which has broken out between |