Instructions for the guidance of her majesty's naval officers employed in the suppression of the slave tradeT.R. Harrison, 1844 - 684 halaman |
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Hasil carian 6-10 daripada 68
Halaman 350
... serán consideradas como parte integrante de él . Hoy veinte y ocho de Junio , de 1835 . FRANCISCO MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA . ( L.S. ) Anexo B al Tratado entre la Gran Bretaña y España , para la abo- licion del Tráfico de Esclavos , del ...
... serán consideradas como parte integrante de él . Hoy veinte y ocho de Junio , de 1835 . FRANCISCO MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA . ( L.S. ) Anexo B al Tratado entre la Gran Bretaña y España , para la abo- licion del Tráfico de Esclavos , del ...
Halaman 351
... ser juzgada , serán satisfechos , en el caso de que sea condenada , de los fondos produ- cidos por la venta del material de la embarcacion , despues que esta haya sido hecha pedazos , de los enseres de la embarcacion , y de la parte de ...
... ser juzgada , serán satisfechos , en el caso de que sea condenada , de los fondos produ- cidos por la venta del material de la embarcacion , despues que esta haya sido hecha pedazos , de los enseres de la embarcacion , y de la parte de ...
Halaman 354
... serán satisfechos por el Gobierno del pais á que pertenezca el aprehensor . cion aprehendida fuese condenada , ARTICULO VI . Si la embarca- será declarada buena presa , con raleza que fuere , á excepcion de su cargamento , sea de la ...
... serán satisfechos por el Gobierno del pais á que pertenezca el aprehensor . cion aprehendida fuese condenada , ARTICULO VI . Si la embarca- será declarada buena presa , con raleza que fuere , á excepcion de su cargamento , sea de la ...
Halaman 355
... serán entregados al Go- bierno al que pertenezca el cruzero que haya hecho al apresamiento , para que sean tratados conforme al reglamento y condiciones conte- nidas en el Anexo de este Tratado , designado con la letra C. ARTICULO VII ...
... serán entregados al Go- bierno al que pertenezca el cruzero que haya hecho al apresamiento , para que sean tratados conforme al reglamento y condiciones conte- nidas en el Anexo de este Tratado , designado con la letra C. ARTICULO VII ...
Halaman 356
... serán in- demnizados : A. Por todos los perjuicios y gastos especiales ocasionados al buque por la detencion , y por la pérdida de los fletes debidos á pagaderos . B. Por estadías , cuando sean debidas , con arreglo á la tarifa anexa al ...
... serán in- demnizados : A. Por todos los perjuicios y gastos especiales ocasionados al buque por la detencion , y por la pérdida de los fletes debidos á pagaderos . B. Por estadías , cuando sean debidas , con arreglo á la tarifa anexa al ...
Edisi lain - Lihat semua
Instructions for the Guidance of Her Majesty's Naval Officers: Employed in ... Great Britain Admiralty Pratonton tidak tersedia - 2022 |
Istilah dan frasa biasa
according to Form Additional Article aforesaid African Slave Trade agreed Annex arbitrator ARTICULO ARTIGO Bolivia Britain Britain and Ireland Britannic Majesty British buque capture cargo caso certificate coast of Africa comandante Commander Commissioners Consul Convention convoy Courts of Justice crew croiseurs cruizers cruzeros declaration delivered detained vessel detencion detention deux dicha dicho Egarra embarcacion engaged été être Faithful Majesty found on board Gobierno Government hereby High Contracting Parties Instructions to Cruizers judge juez Junta la Junta Lord High Admiral Madagascar Majesté le Roi Majesty the King Majesty's ships master ment merchant vessel Mixed Commissions Mixed Courts Mixtos de Justicia navire persons port Portuguese present Treaty purpose ratifications Reglamento Regulations respect Right of Search royal navies seized seizure sera serán seront signed Slave Trade Slaves found Special Order stipulations suspected Texian thereof thousand eight hundred tiempo tion Traffic in Slaves Traité Tribunal Tribunales Mixtos United Kingdom
Petikan popular
Halaman 151 - Issue, and give this Act and the special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of this Act...
Halaman 266 - The two High Contracting Parties bind themselves to pay, within the term of a year from the date of the sentence, the costs and damages which may be awarded by the Court; it being mutually agreed, that such costs and damages shall be paid by the Government of the country of which the captor shall be a subject.
Halaman 456 - Article of this Treaty, shall deviate in any respect from the stipulations of the said Treaty, or from the Instructions annexed to it, the Government which shall conceive itself to be wronged thereby shall be entitled to demand reparation; and in such case the Government to which such commanding officer may belong, binds itself to cause inquiry to be made into the subject of the complaint, and to inflict upon the said officer a punishment proportioned to any wilful transgression which he may be proved...
Halaman 590 - Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles : — ARTICLE I.
Halaman 407 - El Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, y Su Majestad la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda...
Halaman 391 - The salary of the Secretary or Registrar of the Court to be established on the Coast of Africa, shall be paid by Her Britannic Majesty...
Halaman 385 - Justice to be established as aforesaid, the said vessel shall, immediately after its condemnation, be broken up entirely, and shall be sold in separate parts, after having been so broken up...
Halaman 590 - Treaty for that purpose, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say : Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the...
Halaman 283 - Navies, which shall be provided with special instructions for this purpose, as hereinafter provided, may visit such merchant vessels of the two Nations, as may be suspected, upon reasonable grounds, of having slaves on board acquired by an illicit traffic...
Halaman 407 - Constantinople within the space of one month, or sooner if possible. In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty, and have affixed to it the seal of their arms.