| Susette Harriet Smith - 1845 - 352 halaman
...Edition, considerahly augmented hy R. Allan, FRSE Svo. numerons Cuts, 12*. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the conrse of the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that Distriet. By John Phillips, FRSFGS... | |
| Andrew Archibald Paton - 1845 - 422 halaman
...Edition, considerahly augmented: hy R. Allan, FRSE 8vo. numerous Cuts, I2s. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET i ohserved in the course of the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS... | |
| Jules Michelet - 1845 - 366 halaman
...Edition, considerahly angmented hy R. Allan, FRSE Svo. numerons Cuts, !:N. cloth. PHILLIPS.—F1CURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the conrse of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS... | |
| M. H. Myers, I. H. Myers - 1845 - 290 halaman
...Edition, considerahly angmented hy R. Allan, FRSE 8vo. numerous Cnts, 12j. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the course of the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS... | |
| Robert Southey - 1845 - 176 halaman
...Editinn, considerably angmeoted by R. Allan, FRSE 8ro. nomerous Cnts, I2*. cloth. PHILLIPS.—FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; okserred in the course of the Ordnanee Geological Surrey of that District. By Jokn Phillips, FRSFGS... | |
| Thomas Bull (M.D.) - 1845 - 430 halaman
...Edition, considerahly angmented hy R. Allan, FRSF,. Svo. numerons Cuts, 12s. cloth. PHILLIPS.— FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the conrse of the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FRSFGS,... | |
| Robert Ritchie - 1846 - 528 halaman
...considerably angmented by R. Allan, FRSE Svo. with numerous woodcuts, 12». cloth. PHILLIPS.—FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL,...the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FRSFGS etc. Published byOrder of the Lords Commissioners of HM Treasury Svo. with 60... | |
| Elizabeth Missing Sewell - 1846 - 294 halaman
...considerably augmented by R. Allan, FRSE Svo. with numerous woodeuts, 12s. cloth. PHILLIPS.—F1CURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL,...the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FRSFGS ete. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners of HM Treasury. Svo. with... | |
| Caroline Frances Cornwallis - 1846 - 408 halaman
...considerably angmented by R. Allan, FRSE Svo. with numerous woodcuts, ib. cloth. 1MIILLIPS.-FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL,...WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS etc. Published by Order of the Lords... | |
| Charles Mackay - 1846 - 318 halaman
...Edition, considerably angmented by R. Allan, FRSE Svo. with woodcuts, 12i. cloth. PHILLIPS.— FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL,...WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that Diatrict. By John Phillips, FRSFGS etc. Published by Order of the Lords Commission... | |
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