| Robert Southey, Alexander Knox, Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1846 - 586 halaman
...by R. ALLAN, FRSE 8vo. with numerous Woodcuts, PHILLIPS-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALJSOZO1C FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FKS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| Sydney Smith - 1846 - 484 halaman
...ALLAN, FRSE Svo. with numerous Cuts, 12s. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PAL/EO2OIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance GeolOgical Survey of that District, llv JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS FGS &c. Publlshed by Order of the Lords... | |
| Charles Maitland - 1846 - 362 halaman
...R.ALLAN, FRSE 8vo. with numerous Cuts, 12s. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALAEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FHS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| Hendrik Conscience - 1846 - 270 halaman
...PHILLIPS. -FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALXEO2OIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DK VON, and WKST SOMF-HSKT; observed in the course of the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS e*c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners of HM Treasury Svo. with... | |
| Mignet (M., François-Auguste-Marie-Alexis) - 1846 - 388 halaman
...considerahly augmented hy II. Allan, FRSE Svo. with numerous woodcuts, l _''. cloth. PHILLIPS.—FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FRSFGS... | |
| Robert Ritchie - 1846 - 524 halaman
...Edition, considerahly angmented hy R. Allan, VRSE Svo. with woodcuts, 12». cloth. PHILLIPS.-FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the course of the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS... | |
| Thomas Rivers - 1846 - 300 halaman
...Edition, considerahly angmented hy R. Allan, FRSE Svo. with woodcnts, I2s. cloth. PlIILLIPS.-FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the conrse of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS... | |
| Robert Eyres Landor - 1846 - 376 halaman
...Elements of Minerals; with A and Circumstances in which they are found. Bv Willian ~ PHILLIPS.—FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FR SFGS... | |
| Elizabeth Furlong Shipton Harris, Companion traveller - 1847 - 340 halaman
...Magnetism, Electricity, I and Electro-Dynamics). 2 vol. fcap. Svo. 13*. 6rf. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in the conrse of the Ordnance Geological Survev of that District. By John Phillips, FRSFGS etc. Publ,shed... | |
| Robert Smith Surtees - 1847 - 396 halaman
...ElectroDynamics). 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. 13s. Od. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALAEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
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