| Joseph Mainzer - 1848 - 168 halaman
...Magnetism, Electricity, and ElectroDynamics). 2 vols. fcp. 8vo 13s. 6d. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL,...WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| American Academy of Arts and Sciences - 1857 - 440 halaman
...Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1839. Figures and Descriptions of the Palseozoic Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, observed in the Course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FRS, &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| John Ramsay McCulloch - 1848 - 244 halaman
...Dynamics). 2 vols. t'cp. 8vo. 13s. 6d. cloth. . PHILLIPS.-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALAEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| Travers Twiss - 1848 - 256 halaman
...Dynamics). 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. 13s. fid. cloth. PHILLIPS.-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALAEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| Dawson Borrer - 1848 - 446 halaman
...Magnetism, Electri L and Electro.Dynamics). 2 vols. fcap.Svo. 13*. 6d. cloth. PIIILLIPS.—FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohserved in the course of the Ordnance Gcological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FRSFGS... | |
| William John Blew - 1848 - 144 halaman
...MaIrnetism, Eleetrieity. L and Eleetro-Dynamiesl . 2 vols. feap. Svo. 13s. 6rf. eloth. PHILLIPS.—FICURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; ohs Geolegieal Snrvey of that Distriet. By John Phillips, FRSFGS ete. Pnblished by Order of the Lords... | |
| Golding Bird - 1849 - 264 halaman
...Electricity. I and Electro-Dynamics) . 2 vols. fcap. Svo. 13*. 6<f. cloth. Separately^ PHILLIPS.— FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL,...SOMERSET ; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, F.tt.SFGS etc. Published by Order of the Lords... | |
| Alexander von Humboldt - 1849 - 400 halaman
...Mntrnetism, Electricity, L and Electro-Dynamies) . 2 voU. feap.Sro.13*. 6d. cloth. PHILLIPS.— FIGURES & DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS OF CORNWALL,...WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By John Phillips, FRSFGS etc. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| John Scoffern - 1849 - 208 halaman
...the University of Cambridge. 8vo. with numerous Wood Engravings. [In the press. PHILLIPS-FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL,...WEST SOMERSET; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners... | |
| George Frederick M'Dougall - 1857 - 644 halaman
...Present Time; with 4 Plates. Fcp. Svo. price 6s. Phillips. — Figures and Descriptions of the Pokcozoic Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset ; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHIMJPS, FESFGS Ac. Svo. with 60 Plates, price 9s. Phillips's... | |
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