| D. Appleton and Co. (New York, N.Y.) - 1849 - 460 halaman
...14». . . . London, 1834 THE BOT S Treasury of Sportsand Pastimes. 12mo, 7«. Ы. . " 1843 BLAINE, (DP) An Encyclopedia of Rural Sports ; or, a complete Account,...and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of die present day. Illustrated by nearly 600 engraving« on wood, by R. Branston, from drawings by Alken,... | |
| Thomas Moore - 1849 - 328 halaman
...Svo. IQs. 6rf. cloth.— Alwi. SUPPLEMENT, of REMARES on BAVARIAN BEER, etc. Svo. 2j.W. sewed. ELAINE. -AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account,...Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Raring, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By Delahere P. Blaine, Esq.,... | |
| John Kenyon - 1849 - 312 halaman
...6rf. cloth.— Also, SUPPLEMENT, of REMARKS on BAVARIAN BEER, etc. Svo. 2*. 6rf. sewed. BLAINE.—AN ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account,...and Descriptive, of Hunting-, Shooting, Fishing:, P. Blnine, Esq., author of "Canine Pathology," etc. With nearly 600 Engravings on Wood, by R. Bruuton,... | |
| Isaac Taylor - 1849 - 456 halaman
...Also, SUPPLEMENT, of REMARKS 0*1 BAVARIAN BEER, etc. Svo.2s.6d. sewed. BLAINE.— AN ENCYCLCP/EDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account, Historical,...Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting-, Fishing, U. i !..; , and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By Delahere P- Blainc,... | |
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...10s. 6d. cloth.- Also, REMARKS ON BAVARIAN BEER, LONDON PORTER, Sic 8vo. 2s. 6d. sewed, BLAINE.-AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; Or, a complete Account,...Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishinjjf, Racing. and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By DELABERE P.... | |
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...BLACK, Practical Brewer. New Edition, with considerable Additions. 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. BLAINE.-AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; Or, a complete Account,...Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fi shine, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By DBLABERE P.... | |
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...10i. 6rf. cloth.— Also, SUPPLEMENT, of REMARKS on BAVARIAN BEER, ete. Svo. 2*.6rf. sewed. BLAINE.-AN ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account,...Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fisning, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By Delahere P.... | |
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...10s. fid. cloth.— Also, REMARKS ON BAVARIAN BEER, LONDON PORTER, &c Svo. 2s. 6d. sewed. BLAINE.-AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; Or, a complete Account,...Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fish inr Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By UELABRRE P.... | |
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...Also, SUPPLEMENT, of REMARKS on BAVARIAN BEER, etc. Svo. 2,. 6rf. sewed. ELAINE.— AN ENCYCLOP/ED1A OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account, Historical,...Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fisning, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By Delahere P.... | |
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...BLACK, Practical Brewer. New Edition, with considerable Additions. 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. BLAINE.-AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of H unting, Shooting, Fishing Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day.... | |
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