| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1743 - 588 halaman
...by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That, for the more effectual making the Inquiry and Difcovery aforefaid, all and every Perfon and Perfons... | |
| Parliament acts - 1746 - 44 halaman
...executed, and that fome further Provifion be made, to prevent the Continuance of fo great a Mifchief; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent...Parliament affembled, and. by the Authority of the fame, That all and every sheriffs; &j:. the Sheriffs of Shires, Stewards £e e£t[b« 5 .' of Stewar.tries... | |
| Caleb Parfect - 1758 - 68 halaman
...Creatures of God Be it therefore enaded, by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, the Lords, Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that all and every Perfon, or Perfons which after forty Days next following the End of this prefent... | |
| Bedford Level Corporation, Charles Nalson Cole, Great Britain - 1761 - 664 halaman
...by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament...affembled, and by the Authority of the fame* That the Governor, Commlflicinert Bailiffs and Confefvators of the Corporation appointed; of the Great Level... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 490 halaman
...guilty of crimes fo dangerous to his Majefty's government, and the prefent happy eltablifhment; be it enacted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and...parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That from and after the firft day of April, in the year, of our Lord one thoufand fevcn hundred and... | |
| Great Britain - 1775 - 572 halaman
...any balance of account or other debt) the good purpofes of the faid ofl would be further advanced; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent...commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the 'romiflbry authority of the fame, That all p'romiffory or other notes, bills notes. &c. for of exchange,... | |
| Great Britain - 1780 - 654 halaman
...• VOL ХХХП1. ' ' ' Z ' nuis nuts an inland duty proportionate to the duty now to be repealed ; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent...commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and f g"tn"7n?' ЬУ the authority of the fame, That, from and after the fifth land duties on day of July,... | |
| Great Britain - 1762 - 492 halaman
...King (the premiiTes confidered) by the advice and .tilcnt of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and the commons in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, hath ordained, that all the faid inhabitants and refidents in any places within the fame three hundreds,... | |
| Great Britain - 1762 - 488 halaman
...by jours tout autrement ferraient the advice and aflent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and the commons in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, hath ordained, that all the faid inhabitants and reiidents m any places within the fame three hundreds,... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 524 halaman
...con/ciences have or may at their meetings contrive infurreftions (as late experience hath ßewn) ; (г] be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and...commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by authority of the fame, That if any perfon of the age of fixtcen years or upwards, being a fubjeft of... | |
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