| William Winterbotham - 1796 - 572 halaman
...have taken in ibe ptefcnt war : and that no perlón fliall, on that account, fuffer any further lois or damage, either in his perfon, liberty or property...time of the ratification of the treaty in America, ihall be the American artillery that and caufe all archives, rceoi any of the faid States, or th »he... | |
| 1796 - 784 halaman
...which he or they may have-taken in the prefent war ; and thai no perfon fliall on that account fuftcr any future lofs or damage either in his perfon, liberty, or property, and that thofc who may be »u confinement on fuch charges at the time of the ratification of the treaty in America,... | |
| John Wentworth - 1797 - 602 halaman
...fuffer any future lofs or damages either in his perfon, liberty, and property ; and that thofe who might be in confinement on fuch charges at the time of the ratification of the faid treaty in A. Qiould be immediately fet at liberty, and the profecution fo commenced to be... | |
| John Wentworth - 1797 - 572 halaman
...any future lofs or damages either in his perfon, liberty, and property ; and that thófe who might be in confinement on fuch charges at the time of the ratification of the faid treaty in A. fliould be immediately fet at liberty, and the profecution fo commenced to be... | |
| Québec (Province) - 1800 - 444 halaman
...account, fuffer any future lofs or damage, either in his perfon, liberty or property, and that thole who may be in confinement on fuch charges, at the time of the ratification of the Treaty in America, Ihall be immediately fet at liberty, and the profecutions fo commenced be difcontinued. ART. VII. There... | |
| William Cobbett - 1801 - 418 halaman
...which he or they may have taken in the " prefciit war ; and that no perfon fhall on that ac" count fufFer any future lofs or damage, either in " his...at " the time of the ratification of the treaty in Ame." rica, fhall be immediately fet at liberty, and the " profecutions to commenced be di fi on!,mied."... | |
| Georg Friedrich Martens - 1818 - 796 halaman
...which he or they may have taken in the prefent war; and that no perfon fhall, on that account, fuft'er any future lofs or damage either in his perfon ,,...property; and that thofe who may be in confinement on fiich charger, at the time of the ratification of the treaty in America, fhall be immediately fet at... | |
| Robert Beatson - 1804 - 862 halaman
...they may have taken in the prefent war; and that no perfon (hall, on that account, fufier any luture lofs or damage either in his perfon, liberty, or property...time of the ratification of the treaty in America, íhall be immediately fet at liberty, and the profecutions fo commenced be difcontinued., VIII. The... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1804 - 750 halaman
...he or they may have taken in the present war ; and that no perfon fhall, on that account, fufferany future lofs or damage, either in his perfon, liberty, or property ; and that thole who may be in confinement on fuch charges, at the time of the ratification of the Treaty in America,... | |
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