| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 halaman
...like men. fubmit to fate ! [date, Steel could the labour of the Gods deftroy, And ftrike to duft th' ats arrive ; While we defccnd What wonder then, fair Nymph ! thy hairs ihould The conq'ring force of unrefiftcd fteel ? [feel CANTO... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 halaman
...fubmit to fate ! Steel could the labour of the Gods fcftroy, And ftrikc to duft th'impcrial ton 'rs of Troy ; Steel could the works of mortal pride confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground, [feel What wonder then fair Nymph ! thy hairs ihould The conu,u'rin|r force of uiirtfifted ftccl !... | |
| 1792 - 112 halaman
...fubmit to fate! Steel could the labour of the Gods deftroy , And ftrike to duft th' imperial towr's of Troy ; Steel could the works of mortal pride confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. What wonder then, fair Nymph! thy hairs should feel The conqu'ring force of unrefifted iteel ? CANTO... | |
| 1794 - 918 halaman
...n?'n, fubmit to fate! Steel could the labour o. the gods dcilrny. And drike to duft th' imperial powers of Troy ; Steel could the works of mortal pride confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. What wonder »hen, fair nymph ! thy hairs ftouIJ feel The conquering force of uhreufU'd fteel? CANTO... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 908 halaman
...fubmit to fate! Steel could the labour of the gods dcftrey. And ilrike to dull th' imperial power« of Troy ; Steel could the works of mortal pride confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. What wonder then, fair nymph ! thy hair» fhoeli feel The conquering force of unrefifted fteel ? CANTO... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 574 halaman
...like men, fubmit to fate]! [date. Steel could the labour of the Gods deilrov, And ilrike to duft th' imperial tow'rs of Troy; Steel could the works of...confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. What wonder, then, fair Nymph ! thy hairs flrould The coiHju'riiig force of unrcfiilcd Лес! î £leel... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1797 - 442 halaman
...monuments, like men, fubmjt to fate ! Steel could the labour of the Gods deftroy, And ftrike to duft th' imperial tow'rs of Troy ; Steel could the works of...confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. 176 What wonder then, fair nymph ! thy hairs mould feel The conqu'ring force of unrefifted Steel ?... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1798 - 146 halaman
...monuments, like men, submit to fate ! Steel could the labour of the gods destroy, And strike to dust th' imperial tow'rs of Troy ; Steel could the works of...confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. What wonder then, fair nymph ! thy hair should feel The conqu'ring force of unresisted steel ? THE... | |
| Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 498 halaman
...the third canto: Steel did the labours of the gods destroy, And strike to dust th' imperial tovv'rs of Troy. Steel could the works of mortal pride confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. Here he most impudently attributes the demolition of Dunkirk, not to the pleasure of her majesty, or of her... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1801 - 140 halaman
...monuments, like men, submit to fate ! Steel could the labour of the gods destroy, And strike to dust th' imperial tow'rs of Troy; Steel could the works of...confound, And hew triumphal arches to the ground. What wonder then, fair nymph ! thy hair should feel The conqu'ring force of unresisted steel ? THE... | |
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