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Books Buku
" Place, and Harbour within the same ; leaving in all Fortifications the American Artillery that may be therein : and shall also Order, and cause all Archives, Records, Deeds and Papers belonging to any of the said States, or their Citizens, which in the... "
A Review of the Laws of the United States of North America, the British ... - Halaman 212
1790 - 255 halaman
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A Collection of the Acts Passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and Other ...

Québec (Province) - 1800 - 444 halaman
...within the fame.; leaving in all fortifications the American artillery that may be therein: and ihall alfo order, and caufe all archives, records, deeds and papers, belonging to any of the faid States, or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have fallen into the hands of his officers,...
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Annual Register of World Events, Jilid 26

1800 - 628 halaman
...ihe fame ; leaving in all fortificjtior.» the -American artillery that may be therein ; and (hall alfo order and caufe all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to any of the faid fíales, or their citizens, •which in the courfe of the war may have fallen into the hands of his...
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Annual Register of World Events, Jilid 25

1800 - 620 halaman
...any perion or perfons for or by rcafon of the part which he or they may have taken in the pro coiirfc of the war may have fallen into the hands of his officers, to be forthwith reftorcd and- delivered to the proper Stales ami periods to whom they belong. Art. VIII.' The navigation...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1800 - 624 halaman
...have paid on purchafing any of longing to any of the feic States, the faid lands or properties fince or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have fallen within the fame ; leavingin all fortifications the American artillery that may be therein : and fhail...
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Annual Register, Jilid 26

Edmund Burke - 1800 - 632 halaman all fortification the American artillery that may be therein ; and fhall alfo order and e.itife all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to any of the faid dates, or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war raay have fallen into the hands of his officers,...
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An Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce ..., Jilid 4

Adam Anderson - 1801 - 782 halaman
...within the fame ; leaving in all fortifications the American artillery that may he therein: and lhall alfo order and caufe all archives, records, deeds, and papers, belonging to any of the faid States, or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have fallen into the hands of his officers,...
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Recueil de traités d'alliance, de paix, de trève, de neutralité, de ..., Jilid 3

Georg Friedrich ¬von Martens - 1818 - 796 halaman
...and câufe all archives, records, deeds, and papera, belonging to гшу of the faid Slatee, or theit citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have...fallen into the hands of his officers, to be forthwith reñored and delivered to the proper ftatee andi perfeme to whom they belong. ART. VIII. The navigation...
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Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, Jilid 6

Robert Beatson - 1804 - 862 halaman
...within the fame ; leaving in all fortifications the American artillery that may be therein : And (hall alfo order and caufe all archives, records, deeds, and papers, belonging to any of the faid States} or their citizens, which in the courfe of ef the War may have fallen into the hands of his...
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The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of ...

Great Britain. Parliament - 1804 - 750 halaman
...fame ; leaving in all fortifications the American artillery that may be therein : therein t and fhall alfo order, and caufe all archives, records, deeds, and papers, belonging to any of the laid States, or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have fallen into the handt of his...
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History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution ...

Mercy Otis Warren - 1805 - 496 halaman
...iihin the fame, leaving in all fortifications the American artillery that may be therein : and fhall alfo order and caufe all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to ^ny of the faid ftates, or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have fallen into the...
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