| 1816 - 742 halaman
...assemblies can be called, all persons inhabiting, or resorting to, our said colonies, may confide in our royal protection, for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of our realm of England." So that the enjoyment of tliese law? was to anticipate even the calling of the assemblies ; which was... | |
| 1816 - 726 halaman
...ing to our said colonies, may confide in our < royal protection for the enjoyment of the be* nefit of the laws of our realm of England : ' for which purpose we have given power nnder 1 onr great seal to the governors of our said co' lonies respectively, to erect and constitute,... | |
| T. B. Howell, Esq. - 1816 - 806 halaman
...assemblies can be called, all persons inhabiting, or resorting to, our said colonies, may confide in our royal protection, for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of our realm uf England." So that the enjoyment of these laws was to anticipate even the calling of the assemblies... | |
| Great Britain. Court of Chancery, John Herman Merivale - 1818 - 596 halaman
...could be called, all persons inhabiting in, or resorting to, the said colonies, were to confide in the royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of England, for which purpose power was given under the Great Seal, to the Governors of the said colonies,... | |
| Charles Shephard - 1822 - 356 halaman
...called, as aforesaid, all persons inhabiting in, or resorting to our said colonies, may confide in our royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of our realm of England. For which purposes we have given power, under our great seal, to the governors of our said colonies respectively,... | |
| Virginia, William Waller Hening - 1820 - 706 halaman
...called as aforesaid, all persons inhabiting in, or resorting to, our said colonies, may confide in our royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit...England; for which purpose we have given power, under otir great seal, to the governors of our said colonies respectively, to erect and constitute, with... | |
| J. Clayton Jennyns - 1828 - 70 halaman
...called, all persons inhabiting in and resorting to the said colonies, may confide in His Majesty's royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of his realm of England. In pursuance of this proclamation, His Majesty in the month of April 1764, appointed... | |
| Great Britain - 1829 - 494 halaman
...as aforesaid, all persons inhabiting in, or resorting i763.°f to our said colonies may confide in our Royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit...our Great Seal to the Governors of our said colonies respec' lively, to erect and constitute, with the advice of our said Councils respectively, Courts... | |
| George Okill Stuart - 1834 - 652 halaman
...persons inhabiting and resorting to our said " colonies may confide in our royal protection for fhe " enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of our realm...courts " of judicature and public justice, within our said pATERSOX " colonies, for the hearing and determining all causes, AND " as well criminal as civil,... | |
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