| Samuel Glasse - 1788 - 690 halaman
...(hall hear the fame, and the party accufed ; and fuch juftice is hereby authorifed, upon conviction, to commit fuch offender to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding fix calendar months, nor lefs than two calendar months, as the faid juftice... | |
| John Paul - 1791 - 230 halaman
...2ndfale of the goods and chat" tels of the oflender, and for want of fuch diftrefs may " commit the offender to the houfe of correction, there to " be kept to hard labour for fix months, unlefs the money " fo ordered fhall be fooner paid. 9. " PROVIDED ALSO, That any perfon... | |
| Francis Const - 1793 - 980 halaman
...the fame, and the party ac•' cuiedj ami fuch jufticc is hereby authorifcd, upon, conviftion, " to commit fuch offender to the houfe of correction, there to be " kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding fi- calendar " months, nor 1th than two calendar months, as the laid juftic*... | |
| Richard Burn - 1797 - 842 halaman
...their punilhment is not exprefsly limited, the faid juflice or juftices {hall commit fuch offenders to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour until the next general or quarter feffiom, or until difcharged by due courfe of law : And two jufiices... | |
| Richard Burn - 1797 - 640 halaman
...to any houfe of correction within either of the count es of Cambridge or Oxford refpectivelv, there to be kept to hard labour for the fpace of one month; or to the commi n gaol of the city or county of Oxford, or town or <T>UI ly of CambrHpr, there to remain... | |
| William Marriott - 1801 - 368 halaman
...affign the whole either to the owner or overfeer. In default of payment, the juftice fliall commit the offender to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour not exceeding one month, unlefs the penalty (hall be fooner paid. And in all informations, and other... | |
| Charles Viner - 1805 - 598 halaman
...their puniihment is not exprefsly " limited, directed, and appointed, the faid juftices fhall com," mit fuch offender to the houfe of correction, there to be kept " to hard labour, until the next general or quarter feffions, or '' until difchirgc-d by due courfe of law ; and it fhall... | |
| Gilbert Hutcheson - 1806 - 824 halaman
...own View, or by their own Confeffion, or by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witnefles) to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding One Month : And it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon to apprehend,... | |
| William Marriott - 1807 - 154 halaman
...affign the whole either to^the owner or overfeer. In default of payment, the juftice fhall commit the offender to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour not exceeding one month, unlefs the pe* nalty fhall be fooner paid. And in all informations, and other... | |
| Great Britain - 1767 - 674 halaman
...Middle/ex, upon the oath of one or roee witnefs or witnefles, (hall, by warrant of the faid juftice, bt fent to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for fuch time as fuch juftice of the peace íhall direct, noi exceeding three months. CXI. Provided... | |
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