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" AWAKE, my St John ! leave all meaner things To low ambition, and the pride of kings. Let us (since life can little more supply Than just to look about us and to die) Expatiate free o'er all this scene of Man ; A mighty maze ! but not without a plan ;... "
Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry, Selected for ... - Halaman 242
diedit oleh - 1796 - 1008 halaman
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Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces

William Creech - 1791 - 348 halaman
...completely happy, who neither fells ftock nor his confcience; fince, I fay, all thefe things are fo, Let us, fince life can little more fupply, Than juft to look about us and lo die, Expatiate free o'er all this fcene of man, A mighty maze, but not without a plan. YES, let...
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Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1793 - 274 halaman
...agreeable. AK ' • ' ESSAY ON ' MA N. '•• ' * . By. ALEXANDER POPE, Eft. EPISTLE I. A WAKE, my ST.. JOHN. ! leave all meaner things •*• •*• To...pride of kings. Let us (fince life can little more fuppjy "I ban jull to look about 'is and to die) Expatiate free o'er all this feene of man ;. A mighty...
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The Works of the British Poets, Jilid 8

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 908 halaman
...due to providence, both as to our prefent and future ftate, ver. aSj, &c. to the end. AWAKE, my St. John ! leave all meaner things To low ambition, and...kings. Let us (fince life can little more fupply Than jrft to look about us, and to die), Expatiate free o'er all this fccne of man ; A mighty maze '. but...
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Essays on Philosophical Subjects

Adam Smith - 1795 - 402 halaman
...•> E in van I. inferno a. lui s. oppofe ; e In vano S' anno a" Afia, e di Libia il popol mijio, &c. Let us, fince life can little more fupply Than juft to look about us, and to die, &c. Both in Englifh and in Italian Verfe, an accent, though it mufl never be mifplaced, may fometimes...
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Poems, Moral, Elegant and Pathetic: Vis. Essay on Man

1796 - 246 halaman
...of the Tropic - - - 210 ESSAY ON MAN. ESSAY ON MAN. BY ALEXANDER POPE, EPISTLE I. -L\. WAKE, my ST. JOHN ! leave all meaner things To low ambition, and the pride of kings. Let us (fmce life can little more fupply Than juft to look about us and to die) Expatiate free o'er all this...
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Observations on Pope

Gilbert Wakefield - 1796 - 382 halaman
...adduced, is punctually correfpondent with that of the moft fagacious- fubje£t of the narrative. Ver. 3. Life can little more fupply, Than juft to look about us, and to die. Much in the fame manner Denham, Of Prudence : Learn to live well, that thou may'ft die fo too : To...
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An essay on man. Cornish ed

Alexander Pope - 1798 - 138 halaman
...the absolute submission due 'to Providence, both as to our present and future state. AWAKE, my St. -John! leave all meaner things To low ambition, and the pride of kings ; Let us, since life can little more supply Than just to look about us and to die, Expatiate free o'er all this...
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The Universalist's Miscellany, Or, Philanthropist's Museum, Jilid 3

1799 - 398 halaman
...following verfe, implying, Surely Tuch a brief exiltence ought not to be m alt: ft wretched. — " Since life can little more fupply, Than juft to look about us and to die." Pope. • So llifiyi , that it fcarcely allows time for a fecond look. This ftage orke pnlr, not an...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1800 - 624 halaman
...revelation. Awake, my St. John, leave all meaner things To Inw ambition and the pride of kings; Let иц fince life can little more fupply Than juft to look...about us, and to die, Expatiate free o'er all this fceneofman : A mighty maze 1 but not without a plan. Epif. !. ty, that no bufinefs or avocation етег...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Essay on man. Moral essays. An essay on satire

Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - 466 halaman
...difplays as a poem. This Eflay was tranflated into Latin verfe by J. Sayer. [" EPISTLE I. A WAKE, my ST. JOHN! leave all meaner things To low ambition, and...fupply Than juft to look about us and to die) Expatiate COMMENTARY. THE opening of this Poem [in fifteen lines] is taken up in giving an account of the fubject...
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